Sunday, October 6, 2013

Marcellus Pennington speaks on Modesty vs Immodesty...

Marcellus Pennington is 20 years old and is from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He is a processing member of the Nation of Islam and attends Muhammad Mosque Number 82.

Bro. Marcellus was asked to give his views on this weeks topic, "Modesty vs. Immodesty...Who's coming home to meet the parents?"

"The value of modesty can be determined by what the scarceness of it has produced. As The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us, where there are no good women there will never be any good men. Why? Because women are the moral standards of society. Some people tend to think that modesty is simply covering up your adornments, but it’s much deeper than that. Modesty, like Islam is a way of life. It’s in your mannerism, your demeanor, your words and even how you present those words. With that being said we know that all good things have their polar opposites! Immodesty is currently the order of the day. Sisters nowadays walk around not just half nude, but nude in some cases! Anytime you’re not wearing under garments you’re technically nude even if you have on a gown or a thin piece of clothing. There’s no shame in our sister’s game nowadays. How can any man think righteously when you have women parading around like that? A brother can act as godly as he wants to, but let any woman, especially a good looking black woman, walk past him letting it all hang out and his gaze is as good as stolen. It has gotten to a point now that being that that’s all that brother’s see they think that's all there is. They think that is acceptable even though deep down they know it isn’t. I would more than likely be the same way were it not for the teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I am now of the mindset that anything other than modesty is unacceptable. I wouldn’t dream of presenting any woman to my mother that did not have any self-respect. Because if you don’t respect yourself others don’t stand a chance."

Thank you Bro. Marcellus for your words and allowing me to feature you on my blog! I pray Allah (God) continues to bless you in your endeavors!

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