Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Jerard X speaks on why men should be modest too...

Jerard X, 28

Jerard X is a poet, artist, writer and an aspiring teacher, mathematician and scientist. Bro. Jerard obtained his Bachelor's degree in Communications from the College of Charleston and is also the former Owner and Vice President of KIPP AV (audio and video). Most importantly, Bro. Jerard is always striving to be a man of God.

During Bro. Jerard's interview I asked him what was his perspective on the topic, "shouldn't men be modest too?"

"In the name of The Beneficent and Merciful God, I’d like to greet those who are reading this with peace. I pray you are in the best of health and spirit and that God humbles your heart to receive what he put in me to share in regard to men and where we stand in reference to modesty.

Modesty is a mode of dress and deportment (behavior and manners) intended not to encourage sexual attraction in others.

Should Men Also Be Modest???

Let’s look at this from a spiritual dynamic. We have to put the Creator of life, the heavens and the earth in every equation and if you do not believe in the Creator (God), then AT LEAST focus on His creation for now. You can tell how valuable something is, by how well dressed and covered it is. Let’s prove it. God dressed His Universe with stars and planets; the Earth with vegetation and trees; His head with a crown; and He dresses ALL of His men and women from top to bottom in modest attire. We, being the creation of the Creator, reflect him by covering up our valuables. We put precious metals in a safe, money in a wallet and water in a bottle. It is not the safe, wallet nor bottle that has the value, but it is that which these items protect that has the value. How valuable are you? How well are you dressed and covered?

Why dress everything of value? What’s the point of having these things if I can’t show them off? Look at the results of leaving your valuables out in the open or naked. Be a stubborn scientist and experiment by leaving your money out of your wallet, don’t lock up your jewelry or metals and pour your bottle water onto the ground and drink. The same goes for your body. You can’t get a job, open a bank account, run for office, and eat in fine restaurants if you are not dressed properly. Your value naturally decreases in the public eye no matter how much knowledge you have in your head.

Well what about behavior? God’s men and women were and are modest in their behavior, manners, speech, dance, song, etc. Could you see God’s man (Jesus) of yesterday and today doing these modern dances, wearing skinny jeans and muscle shirts, making silly passes at women, “making it rain” (with money), blasting music, singing dirty songs, etc.? Do the same with the Mother of Jesus. If you can’t see God’s man and woman doing it, then don’t do it.

WHY? Why are they so modest? The fact is they dress their mind with knowledge, wisdom and understanding. If we do the same, we will realize that we don’t want people looking at us sexually because our minds are dressed in God’s wisdom and we have something greater to offer; something on the highest plane. The more we dress our mind the more we’ll dress our body.

Women you can help. Only an immodest woman likes an immodest man and vice versa. If immodesty is what you want, that’s fine; but be prepared for the headache that comes with it in your relationship. Any relationSHIP that is not founded on God’s principles and morals is a holey (not holy) ship that is destined to sink. If you are a modest woman then an immodest man will be repulsive to you.

Brothers our women will reflect us. She will reflect not only our dress, but also our behavior. Stop liking and commenting on naked and half naked pictures of our women on these social networks. If you don’t want to reflect God in thought, action and in dress then it would be wise to leave God’s women alone and go after the heathens aka ratchets aka bottom feeders aka the worst part of the planet earth (they will age you). On the contrary, God’s women are nothing to play with. Let’s kill our foul language, immodest dance and song, tight jeans and suits, etc. Let us reflect our Creator and His Man (Christ) so we can be worthy of a beautiful woman who values and covers herself for her own benefit and for her man (you brother). You black, brown, yellow and red men are naturally of men of God. Accept your own and be yourself.

I have to thank God for putting His spirit in The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan because it is these three Men that inspired me and gave me the little, but so much that is shared in this article."

Thank you Bro. Jerard for sharing your knowledge with us on this crucial topic. Your words were on point and very powerful! Also, thank you for allowing me to feature you on my blog! I pray Allah (God) continues to bless you in your endeavors!

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