Thursday, March 20, 2014

Call Us By Our Name

Many people listen to this song and hear another hit by Ms. Badu and it is, but it is also a very powerful song and many people don't know nor understand the message in it. I want to focus on this lyric in particular, "If we were made in his image then call us by our name, most intellects do not believe in God but they fear us just the same."

In the Bible (Genesis 1:27) it states, "God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." To be an image of someone means that you are a representation of the external form of them. The definition of likeness is the semblance, guise, or outward appearance of something; the fact or quality of being alike. So, if we are made in God's image and likeness then we not only have the external appearance of God but we also possess His internal qualities. His being is in our nature. But wait! If we look like God doesn't that mean that God is a Man? (Let’s think on that) The next question is, who is she talking about when she says “we” and “us”? Quite a few of you may think "humanity, duh!", but can we be so sure? According to Webster's dictionary, we refers to the speaker together with other people regarded in the same category. The definition of us is to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition. What is Erykah Badu's category? She's black. Now, let's put the whole thing together, "If we [black people] were made in His [God] image then call us [black people] by our names..." Some of you may be thinking "No, that's not right! We were ALL made in the image and likeness of God!" Well, the black man and woman are known to be the original people of the planet earth. It has also been proven that the white race was made only 6,000 years ago. There are many documents chronicled by historians, scientists and different religions that support this statement. The ancient rabbis use the biblical story of Jacob grafting flocks of sheep and goat to attest to this. Genesis 30:35 states that Jacob produced unusually colored livestock through the use of a breeding technique. The book of Jewish traditions called the Midrash Rabbah uses this Bible story to explain the birth of White children to Black parents. (Myth or high science? Is there evidence of Mr. Yakub?, The Final Call)

The Baptist theologian Bernard L. Ramm explained, "By scientific breeding we can shuffle these genes with their characteristics and breed traits in or breed them out. The laws of heredity plus principles of separation or selection operating over a period of time will produce the various races of the world." The English physician James Cowles Prichard also stated that the physical differences between the races of man resulted from a method similar to “the process of artificial selection carried on by plant and animal breeders.” As stated on American Egyptomania, "Prichard is an advocate for the theory that all humankind had in fact originated in Africa, or, as he put it, that it is, 'probable that the fairest races of White people of Europe, are descended from Negroes.'” So, if black people are the Original people of the planet (and we are), then doesn't that mean that God is a Black Man? (Think on it)

Let's look at the second part of the lyric, "most intellects do not believe in God but they fear us just the same." The "us" in this statement is also referring to Black people, but who are the intellects that fear us (Black people) and why do they fear us? Historically, Black people were not allowed to read. The slave-masters feared that if the Black man and woman remained in their natural state of mind (the mind of God) they would kill them in their sleep. In the book "The Making of a Slave" Willie Lynch stated that, "both a wild horse and a wild or nature nigger are dangerous...they will have the tendency to seek their customary freedom, and in doing so might kill you in your cannot get them to work in this natural state." The intellects that Ms. Badu is referring to are white intellects. Why do these white intellects fear Black people as much as they do God? Seeing as though we are made in God's likeness, we naturally possess His spirit. God made us to be like Him. Due to years of oppression, we have lost the knowledge of our true selves and are off the path of God. This is why they (white intellects) fear us coming into the true knowledge of ourselves because if we did, they would NOT be able to get away with "passing over the Black man with a Master's degree for a promotion that is given to Jim Bob, who barely has a GED...They don't hate the Black man and woman because of the color of their skin but they fear the genius that lies within." (Fear of an Intelligent Black Man, The Final Call)

Let's put this whole thing together, "If we [Black people] were made in His [God] image [external representation] then call us [Black people] by our [Black people] names [gods], most intellects [white intellectuals] do not believe in God but they fear us [Black people] just the same."

I hope you all enjoyed this week's article! I encourage everyone, both men and women, to give their opinion on this topic and the previous topics. If there is anything you want to add or don't agree with just post a comment right below this article and let's talk about it. Please keep your comments respectable and refrain from using any profanity. Thank you so much everyone for all of your support, it is greatly appreciated!

American Egyptomania
"On the Physical Characters of the Egyptians"
The Final Call
"Myth or high science? Is there evidence of Mr. Yakub?"
"The Making of a Slave"
Willie Lynch
The Final Call
"Fear of an Intelligent Black Man"


  1. i hear everything you are saying but we are not "GODS", if we were we wouldn't be made in his image we would be just like him, able to do what he does...we arent there just yet.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I read it but will have to disagree. I'm a deist at heart. I believe in a Creator. You would call him God, Allah, whatever. The thing is, the bible is not the word of God. It's a man made creation, interpreted and passed down by man. It has plagiarized stories and themes. It follows similar Christ stories. Things have been added to it. Authors aren't known, etc. The Creator is not this sloppy. The Creator would communicate universally and very clearly. Think about the concept of gravity. I don't care what village, city, town you are from anywhere in the world, a living creature knows that if you jump up, you are coming down. That's how clear the Creator communicates. Not accepting a human language of unknown men to write scriptures. Then get another group of men to decide which one of the various scriptures is the "actual word of God". Then, knowing things get lost in translation, cause your words to get passed around to everyone through translations. I'm not knocking your belief, believe as you wish.. but a lot of us are stuck on Bible = Word of God bc we were brainwashed into thinking of it as the infallible word of God. That was all set up to control ppl and colonize the concept of God. Truth is, look in the mirror to find God. You are God. Not the God/creator of the universe but you are something like a God. You create life, you can destroy life. You create and seize on opportunities. There's power in this way if thinking, that's why religion is great at controlling people. And I'm not saying this way does not have morals. Our Creator has established us all with a moral code. You don't need scripture to be an ethical human being

    3. I'd recommend checking out brothers like John Henrick Clark and Yosef Ben Jochannan. Our people need to wake up and capitalize on this truth.

  2. Oh, and When I say I disagree above. I'm not disagreeing with the way you interpret her lyrics. You are spot on. I'm disagreeing with Ms.Badu. This is a great song. I do believe we are God-like for reasons outside the Bible

  3. The world is lost. Nothing made less sense than Hitler's Aryan Race... How did he call them pure when they are the most different from the original people of the world.

  4. PRAISE YAH PRAISE YAH..... PRAISE YAH I Yahuda "Do Not" have to wonder who Yahuda And YAH Other Brownies Are! YAH Showed Me in A Dream what YAH Is About To do. (((Fire))) is the (Only) Cleanse. god means dog lord fag--- jesus religion= death and (Fire)... fallen watchers kids are white asian hispanic arab ecttt all None Melinated Man. lice is a "curse" pale skin is a curse bed bugs is a curse. what Yahuda and YAH Other Brownies fail to realise is that fallen watchers kids (((((((Know))))))) what it is and who it is an how it was formed, they are the potters clay. You have to go to the Root<>Cause<>Effect<<<.. Brown Man and Woman have ben (hypnotized) Under a spell have No fear. YAH (Discipline) Is for Yahuda And YAH Other Brownies who Are leaving this Rock. "Temporary " punishment is (Over)... "Smile" Brown Man! Coming from Yahuda Your Brown Woman, We are Blessed.

  5. Also in the book of the dead aka the bible (Inspired) By YAH TRUTH mixed with filthy disgusting rat pig shit lies to (((Cover))) up who pale face beast are. the book of enoch was removed from YAH TRUTH Aka (Warnings And Instructions).. YAH Holy Watchers Said To Me (((Search))) for wgat was/is "hidden" Wake Up Wake Up... And right after YAH Holy Watchers Said That To Ne Yahuda I Was/Am able to see its lies, fantasy fairytale myths. the entire book is lies on top of lies When YAH Remove That hypnotic spell of deep dark sleep then and Only then You Are able To see its lies And Understand YAH TRUTH. I will leave You with this Brown Man The Author. this is out of the book of enoch. please Note "spirits" mean fallen watchers... Flesh is Brown Man And Woman.... and giants are white asian hispanic arab ecttt all None Melinated Man.(and now the "giants" who are produced from the (spirits) <<>> (Flesh) shall be called evil spirits upon the earth and on the earth shall be their dwelling, evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies Because they are (born) from [Men] <<>> from the holy watchers is their beginning and (primal Origin) "they shall be evil spirits" on the (((earth))) and evil spirits shall they be called. and the spirits of the giants Afflict, oppress, Destroy, attack do battle and wirk destruction on the earth and cause trouble they take foid but "Nevertheless" hunger and thirst and cause offences, and these spirits shall rise up against the ((((((((((Children)))))))))) of (Men) and against the (Women) because they have ((((((((((Proceeded)))))))))) from them. Wake Up! this aint about (No giants) look around this Entire Rock Nit just the white man all fallen watchers kids are an (((Abominable))) thing they are Our Ancestors creation. so the book of genisis started off with a lie tree apple snake ecct Allllll lies. noahs bark new testament All lies. Yahad Yahuda And YAH Other Brownies. PRAISE YAH PRAISE YAH.

    1. google is switching Yahuda words. here is the correction! I dint put this <<>>>instead of (and) makes no sense You would not no what Yahuda is saying.
      who are produced from the spirits (((and))) the flesh. next they are born from Men and the holy watchers period

  6. google switched Yahuda words. its written like this and now the giants who are produced from the spirits (And) flesh...
    also evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies because they are born from (Men) "And" from the Holy watchers.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


  8. Whoever wrote this, I salute you. It’s 2020, I’m 37 years old and just happened to go back this song. Listening today, I was blown away (think age and maturity, 20 years later.) Anyway, I Googled this line because it means something more and deeper, exactly what the author stated; but more than JUST a black and white thing, a rich and a poor thing, a begger versus king thing. It’s everything.

  9. My take on this will be the following questions that was raise by Joseph Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah:

    1. Who was Jesus?
    2. Who wrote the gospels?
    3. Why these gospels were wrote in Greek?
    4. Why Christianity is headquartered in Rome?

    When you get the opportunity to read the "The animals farm" (by George Orwell) and compare it to "Caesar’s Messiah" (Joseph Atwill) and "The Making of a Slave" (by Willie Lynch) you will notice the similarities that religious, slavery and political has the same ideology. To ensure that this ideology is not question, there print it as dogman.

    From knowledge that I've gathered I'm in a view that religious was a system that was designed to control the masses by the few elite. When you look the story of Greek's gods, you will notice the creation of the Bible, i.e., the Second Coming of the Son of Man.

  10. Lol Miss Badu was High from marijuana when she wrote this song probably 😂😂😂 love her though. There's nothing deep elaborated here.

  11. “Grafting” is the process used by Yakub to make the white race. He did it for revenge.. they had a time limit though. That’s time has passed, so like expired milk they must stay cool 😎 to stick around.

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