Monday, September 16, 2013

Why is modesty absent in the media?

Why does a woman have to model indecent clothes? Why can't she model something beautiful and righteous instead? Why do women feel as though people have to see her bosom and behind before her mind?

The objectification and sexualization of women in America is no secret. America has taken the natural beauty of women and turned it into something that is vile and indecent. Women have been degraded so much so they've become nothing more than their physical features. But why is that? How and when did this happen?

Historically women of all races have been seen as property but the black woman especially has been defaced and degraded. According to Merriam Webster, deface means to intentionally spoil the appearance of something and degrade means to lower to an inferior or less effective level. The degradation of the black woman is by design, it is not an accident. During slavery the black woman's value was related to how many children she could bear and servicing the sexual needs of the slave master. The women were put on display like merchandise and were bought and sold to be "bred" to different men like livestock. Isn't that what's going on today, women having sexual relations with many different men? Is this modern day slavery?

Evil has been made to be fair seeming. Everything that is unnatural is acceptable in today's society. The media feeds on anything related to sex. They do this to keep our minds on the lowest part of self. We have been fed the wrong things through television, radio, magazines, movies, and the internet for so long we have become numb and blind to the truth. There's a saying that goes, "if you keep telling yourself lies you will eventually start to believe them." That is what's happening in America. Who are our young girls role models? Nicki Minaj? Rihanna? Beyonce? Miley Cyrus? No. We have to be the inspiration we want to see but we must first change the way we think before we can change our behavior.

I will end this topic with a verse from the bible, " like manner also, that the woman adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works."                 -1 Timothy 2:9

I encourage everyone both men and women to give their opinion on this topic and the previous topics. Please keep your comments respectable and refrain from using any profanity. Thank you!

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