Joshua Muhammad, 22
Joshua Muhammad, who goes by his stage name, Isa Ibn, is a rap artist from the city of Houston, Texas. His goal with music is to take a positive revolutionary message and combine it with music that is both fun to listen to and most importantly, raises the mindset of those who listen. You can find his new single “Ride Out” at and make sure to be on the lookout for his new EP “All Or Nothing” coming October 16!
During Bro. Joshua's interview he shed some light on what his definition of modesty is...
"Look at the depictions of Jesus through the arts. What do you notice about the women in these depictions? Did any of them have a miniskirt? It’s interesting that the women who were around the man of God in their midst, were always covered and dressed modestly. This is because they were not representing themselves and also because they knew their value.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, leader of the Nation of Islam, is quoted saying, “A Nation can rise no higher than its woman.” This is because she is the first teacher, and every being that has walked this Earth has come through a woman, even Jesus, himself. Think of the type of woman one has to be to birth a man such as Jesus. She cannot be an immoral and indecent woman, and this is why modesty is important no matter the religion. For a woman to be modest in dress, speech, behavior shows that she knows her value and that she is not a woman who is subjected to the wickedness of this world, but a woman is of the kingdom of God and through a woman and women like this will come even more men like Jesus.
The principle of modesty is not meant to oppress women in any shape or form, but instead it is meant to protect her value. Just like precious jewels which aren’t given to us exposed, but wrapped and cared for, a woman should also present herself the same way and even better, for she, as the scriptures say, “is more precious than jewels; And nothing you desire compares with her.” (Proverbs 3:15)"
Thank you Bro. Joshua for your words of wisdom and allowing me to feature you on my blog! I pray Allah (God) continues to bless you in your endeavors! Follow Bro. Joshua aka Isa Ibn on twitter: @IsaIbnOfficial and Instagram: IsaIbn.
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