The Earth is modest. She covers Herself in the garments of life. Plants grow on her surface and green trees and grass cover Her mountains. Every life form has it's own protective covering. From the plasma membrane of the cell, to the leaves on a tree and to the clouds that cover the sky. Everything of value is modest in its own way. If God created the grass beneath your feet to cover the nutrient rich soil, shouldn't God's most priceless Creation (woman) be covered as well?
The fundamental unit of life, which is the cell, contains a plasma membrane that separates the chemical reactions occurring inside the cell from the chemicals outside the cell. The plasma membrane is choosy about what can pass through it, it is said to be selectively permeable. Selective permeability means that only certain substances are able to pass through. As women, we have to be like the cell- selectively permeable. We should only allow certain people to enter our atmosphere. We should not allow men to easily access our hearts, minds, and bodies. Cells do not allow anything into its plasma membrane that do not meet the required criteria. Just like the security check at the airport, we should be the same way with men. So when a no good man comes to us trying to run game, it is our duty to have a spiritual check procedure in our mind. We should separate the males who act like dogs from the men who are striving to be like God. Watch how he treats his fellow brothers. If he treats him like a dog, which is “god” spelled backwards, he is a product of God turned backward. So we must stop every man and engage in a search procedure before we let him into our life. We need to find out if he has anything in his head or in his heart that's going to injure the sacred temple of God, which is our mind, body and spirit. As women, we have to be on point, we have to be sharp, we have to have focus and determination and we have to know what a real man looks like. Minister Louis Farrakhan stated that what a real man looks like can be found in the Lord's Prayer.
Our Father, which art in heaven,
Heaven is a place of elevated consciousness. He said, "it is a place and a state of high knowledge, wisdom, understanding, power, and righteousness." So, a real man is a man that you can look up to. A woman can't look up to a broke man, a lazy man, a dumb man, a disloyal man, etc. He must be conscious of God. He must be a producer, a cultivator, a protector, and a visionary.
Hallowed be thy Name.
A real man is known by his good character. Whenever you are around people who know him, they should speak well of him.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
A real man does not wish for a thing to be done, he says it will be done and makes it happen. He wills what he desires that is righteous into existence.
Give us this day our daily bread.
There are many names for money, one of which is bread. A 9 to 5 is not daily bread it is bi-weekly or weekly bread. A real man works daily to provide for his family and establishes a business of his own that will permanently maintain his household.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil
A real man does not tempt you to do that which is unrighteous. He does not put you nor himself in a situation that will allow the devil to seduce you with something you want or need.
Forgive us our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us, for Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, forever.
No one is perfect. So he will make mistakes but a real man acknowledges his faults. He asks for forgiveness and strives to raise the current state (mentally, physically, or emotionally) he is in. He also forgives others shortcomings as they forgive or should forgive his- forever.
So as women we have to be like a gold miner separating the gold from the unwanted coarse particles. When a male is trying to "get at" you, he has to meet the sifter and if he doesn't meet the requirements, keep that no good man away from you. In the words of Major Payne, "what's your angle boy!? You plottin' on me!?" lol
I encourage everyone, both men and women, to give their opinion on this topic and the previous topics. Just post a comment right below this article! Please keep your comments respectable and refrain from using any profanity. Thank you so much everyone for all of your support, it is greatly appreciated!
Reference: The Woman: God's Second Self by Nuri Muhammad
Muhammad Mosque #45 Lecture 6/4/2014 by Nuri Muhammad
The Meaning of Father by Minister Louis Farrakhan
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