Thought travels at the rate of 24 billion miles per second. Nothing is more powerful than a made up mind.
- Nuri Muhammad
travels at the rate of 24 billion miles per second, how long does it
take to give birth to the thought in the form of action? It is said that
it takes an average of 0.3 seconds for a signal from the brain to get
to a limb to
move it. So if someone says you have 500,000 moves to accomplish 1 goal
and it
takes 0.3 seconds to make one move, how long will it take to complete
said goal?
moves x 0.3 seconds = 150,000 seconds = 1.7 days ~ 2 days
500,000 moves sounded like a lot but it’s really not. What if you were given 2,000,000 moves?
moves x 0.3 seconds = 600,000 seconds = 6.9 days ~ 1 week
How much time do we waste making the wrong moves?
How much longer would it take to make those moves if we are not of clean mind,
body and spirit? But before any of that, how much longer would it take to even
produce a thought if the vessel used to produce thought (our mind) isn’t clear?
Every thought we have has an electromagnetic frequency that has the potential to be transmitted into the Universe, which draws a parallel back to us. Our mind has an intimate relationship with our entire body. The
thoughts and habits that we create for ourselves are what our spirit
wires itself around. For example, when you
constantly think that you can't do something, that thought plants itself
in your spirit like a weed and inhibits your growth. There is always a battle going on internally. The struggle comes when we try to go against what we know we should be doing. When
this happens, that is when we should ask God to help us overcome the
urge to sit back on the couch and eat potato chips when we should be
working out or to turn on the television/phone when we should be doing
homework or working on business plans. If we continue to overcome the
enemy within, making the right moves will eventually become second
way we can measure our progress in life is by calculating how long it
takes to complete our various goals and objectives on a daily, weekly,
monthly and yearly basis. A spiritually and intellectually developed
person is effective in dealing with people and getting things done.
What is in your mind directs the course of atoms and ultimately forms your environment.
- Ava Muhammad
Weapons of Self-Destruction by Ava Muhammad