Tuesday, April 15, 2014
The Girl Who Cried Wolf
A college student hosted a party at his house, for the sake of this story we'll call him Trevor. The party was open to anyone who was in the area. After he went food shopping, he had 100 dollars in cash left over, so he set it on the table in the living room. It was almost time for the party to start and the money was still on the table. During the party about 20 people sat on the couch in front of the table where Trevor left the money. All of them saw the money sitting on the table, 5 of them didn't think about taking it, 10 of them thought about taking it, 4 of them picked it up but put it back and 1 of them took it. After everyone left, Trevor noticed that his money was gone and he was livid. He couldn't believe that someone stole his money.
So what is the lesson here? Even though Trevor was justified for being upset, in the end he had to realize that he had to hold himself responsible as well. Although there were people who had morals and did not steal the money there was one person who didn't have morals and took the money. If Trevor truly cared about the money he should have protected it by keeping it in a safe place, right? He could have placed the money in his wallet and kept it on him or he could have put his valuables in his room and locked the door. Either way, he should have taken precautionary measures in order to lessen the chances of him being robbed.
The same concept applies to rape. Even though no one ever asks to be raped, the way we dress can provoke and entice those who have the mind to do so. Being modest isn't about dressing for men it is about dressing for God and protecting yourself. There is a reason God wants us to be modest in our dress and actions. We, as women, should not want to display ourselves like cheap jewelry. Our self-worth does not equate to being seen. We should acquire no one's approval but God, "I [God] also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God." 1 Timothy 2:9-10" It doesn't matter if you're a Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc., if you claim to be a woman of God, you should be found striving to be the woman He wants you to be. Again, I am not blaming women for being raped but just as Trevor shouldn't have left his money unprotected and vulnerable to those who are easily tempted, women should be even more cautious because we are more valuable than silver and gold.
I hope you all enjoyed this week's article! I encourage everyone, both men and women, to give their opinion on this topic and the previous topics. If there is anything you want to add or don't agree with just post a comment right below this article and let's talk about it. Please keep your comments respectable and refrain from using any profanity. Thank you so much everyone for all of your support, it is greatly appreciated!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
What's Love Got To Do With It
Individually, men and women have different natures but in our differences is harmony, we naturally compliment the other. When a man or a woman does not manifest their natural traits, it is a result of the environment and experience, not nature. It is not natural for a woman to take on the roles of a man and it is not natural for a man to take on the roles of a woman. Nowadays everything is backwards, females think they don't need a man and males don't want to be men. Why? What happened to the relationship between men and women and the sanctity of marriage?
The sanctity of marriage declined when the spirit of the woman declined. As long as women are on display like cheap jewelry, we will continue to be disrespected and devalued. It is a shame that many young girls and women believe that the more skin you show the more confidence you have. Why do we equate the value of something with being seen? That is FALSE confidence. Because God is love, self-love and self-confidence starts with Him. Everything starts with Him. We shouldn't require approval from anyone but God. But what does this have to do with relationships? Well, many women tend to put all of the blame on men and say they need to make a come up, but we don't want to take responsibility ourselves. This needs to stop.
There's a saying that goes, "It's a man's job to respect women but it's a woman's job to give him something to respect." Both men and women need to be guided to rediscover the value in the other by understanding the value of ourselves. Women, let's look at this logically, what reason have you given him to marry you? You have already given him full access to you, he practically lives with you, you have three children with him and since you're not married, if difficulty arises he can leave as he pleases. It just doesn't make sense to him. So what will make him settle down? First and foremost, if he is a spiritually undeveloped male he will NOT settle down. He will mistreat and use a woman. He will do nothing but cause damage. But if he is a spiritually developed man, he will recognize your value and respect you, IF you are a woman who respects and values herself. If not, he will pass you by. A righteous man does not want an unrighteous woman and vise versa. Minister Farrakhan teaches that there is a difficulty factor attached to everything of value. The greater the value, the greater the difficulty. The value a man places on you is directly proportional to the challenge he faces in order to be with you. Many of us make it so easy for a man to be with us. We expose ourselves without a care in the world. Back in the day, most of the women dressed modestly. Their skirts didn't come above their knees and their shirts didn't go too far below their collarbone. Ignoring modesty plays right into the hands of the majority of the male population. Modesty forces men to respect you, acknowledge your character and interact with you as a person. Males are thrilled to see you walking down the street improperly dressed. That means that there is less work for them.
Like I always say, modesty isn't limited to the way we dress, it is also defined by how we think and act. And modesty doesn't just apply to women, it applies to men too. To practice modesty means that we are denying ourselves daily of ungodly desires. Both men and women need to start holding ourselves accountable for our actions, intentions and thoughts. If we as a whole don't straighten up we will never see the validity in the other, and it will continue to result in discombobulated (meaning: disconnected or unbalanced) relationships. We have to respect and value one another in order to benefit from each others spiritual evolution.
I encourage everyone, both men and women, to give their opinion on this topic and the previous topics. Just post a comment right below this article! Please keep your comments respectable and refrain from using any profanity. Thank you so much everyone for all of your support, it is greatly appreciated!
Reference: Queen of the Planet Earth: The Rebirth and Rise of the Original Woman by Minister Ava Muhammad